





I'd like to know what are the most useful JQuery plugins. I'm particularly interested in those which are likely to be useful in general UI development, such as Tablesorter, rather than those which serve uncommon needs.

If you could provide a very brief description of the plugin's purpose, that would be really helpful.

Thanks, Don

+7  A: 

I'll list one I'm working on...

My jLINQ plugin is a jQuery version of .NET LINQ. It's made for working with in-memory collections (not talking directly to the server) and let's you use syntax similar to the following.

var results = $.from(data)

It supports a bunch of other commands that you find in LINQ for ordering and grouping along with most of the selection commands like contains, between, greaterThan, etc...

Here is a demo - It's stable, but still in progress

Maybe not must have, but might be useful as it progresses...

I know nothing about .Net so probably shouldn't even be commenting but....I believe that LINQ is a means of accessing data (relational, XML, etc.), isn't this the kind of thing that you generally wouldn't want in your client-side code, where anyone could modify it?
LINQ let's you also work with in-memory objects and arrays. That's all this is for. It doesn't actually talk to databases on the server side.
So, typically you would use it to navigate through data stored in JS objects?
Right, it's handy for working with arrays of objects. You can query the properties on the objects.
Great, I'll check out the docs if I've any further questions.
+6  A: 
Great answer, I'd accept it, but I suppose this isn't really the kind of question that has a "right" answer and I don't want to discourage further responses (yet).
+30  A: 

My list:

  • Autocomplete
    • Input field to enable users quickly finding and selecting some value, leveraging searching and filtering.
  • JSON
    • JSON plugin retrieving retrieving and manipulating json data.
  • Cookie
    • Simple & lightweight utility plugin for reading, writing and deleting cookies.
  • Vaildation
    • For validating form input data.
  • UI
    • Full-featured themable and ready-to-use widgets and more...
  • Interface
    • Dragging, Sortables, Droppables, plug-and-play components and visual effects.
  • Cycle
    • Versatile and lightweight image slideshow plugin.
If someone could try and provide a very brief description of those that have not already been described in other posts, I'll try and roll them all into a summarizing post.
Interface is depreciated and no longer works with 1.2.6 - superseeded by the UI
From JSON link: Update 2007-09-13: As of version 1.2, the jQuery core now supports cross-domain JSONP downloads as part of the native Ajax support. I suggest you use this support instead of the plugin.
Alexander Abramov
+1  A: 

If you're using Visual Studio 2008 to code your jQuery you need the Intellisense: http://weblogs.asp.net/bleroy/archive/2008/10/27/jquery-intellisense-documentation-file-available.aspx

You dont need it, just a nice to have:)
If you're doing jQuery in VS 2008 I think it's a must-have ;)
+19  A: 

I think that Flot plugin (a plotting library / plugin) deserves a place in this "must-have" list.

In addition, it is used here, in StackOverflow, to display the histogram of the reputation in the user account page.

That is pretty impressive - I thought those we're images the first time I saw them.
+1 Wow, Flot is pretty cool. Good find!
+20  A: 

We currently use:

Most impressive

Jquery UI elements:

Useful community plugins:

More to come, I'll add links etc...

Hotkeys is so good.
Defo - HotKeys is amazing. Also great way out for submit/enter buttons etc as well as keyboard productivity shortcuts
+4  A: 

I just found jqGrid and it looks very good.

and it also has lots of documentation (right now a 99 pages pdf) and examples

+2  A: 

UI is definitely a must-have. As a grid component, I would recommend jqGrid. IMHO, it is better than flexiGrid.

+1  A: 

http://docs.jquery.com/Plugins/dimensions , it has great offset and outerwith functions...

+1  A: 

UI - no better way to do draggables, resizables and few others.

Slibox2 - ultimate lightbox clone for jQuery, very easy to use.

iFixPng - simple solution for IE6 PNG w/alpha.

+3  A: 

I have been very impressed with the Filament Group's Date Range Picker


I'm a big fan of jTemplates, which gives you client side templating. I find it extremely powerful, especially for rendering results.

Daniel H
+4  A: 

For an unobtrusive way to send messages to the client without affecting the page's content permanently, I use jGrowl, based on the OSX Growl system.

Lot's of options, settings, and it keeps the page clean : )

Love Growl and this looks great too.
Tim Büthe
+5  A: 

jQuery tools from Flowplayer is really fancy. I really like the expose and overlay plugin.

Agree, these often overpower jquery-ui and come with none "do whatever you want" license.
Nikita Rybak
+4  A: 

I know this is an old post but, just thought I would throw my 2 cents in, for future reference.

Colorbox - Definitely the best modal window/lightbox for Jquery.

The Validation plugin (previously mentioned) also works very well.

+1  A: 

I always use Facebox to display pop-up forms and messages to the user. It keeps the UI clean (most of our users use Facebook), and yet it's not as bland as using alert().

+1  A: 

[edit] - Recently I've been using JQuery Tools as an alternative to JQueryUI, JQuery Tools is more HTML5/CSS3 centric: http://flowplayer.org/tools/index.html

I like JCarousel Lite (not JCarousel) http://www.gmarwaha.com/jquery/jcarousellite/ does just what I need and nothing more.


Francis Shanahan