



Climbing the learning mountain of TVirtualTreeView, I'm attempting to create a custom descendant that ensures that, when the control is resized, the width of the last column exactly fills control's width without requiring a horizontal scroll bar.

I see a number of items (a method and a number of events) pertaining to "AutoFitColumns", but not documentation covering this feature. Can I use AutoFitColumns to automatically resize my last column and if so, how.

+1  A: 

With your virtualtreeview, and a couple headers visible....

Select the "virtualtreeview | Header" in the delphi object inspector and Set the AutoSizeIndex to the the index of your last column.

Now select "virtualtreeview | Header | Options" and make sure hoAutoResize is TRUE.

hope this helps

Thanks, I had missed the existence and meaning of AutoSizeIndex.
Larry Lustig
easiest way to do this:vt.Header.Options := vt.Header.Options + [hoAutoResize];vt.Header.AutoSizeIndex := vt.Header.Columns.GetLastVisibleColumn;