



I just want to convert a piece of PHP code to C# so I need it's equivalent.

And what does unpack really do? I'm very interested in this function.

+1  A: 

Unpack reads the binary data according to the data type you tell it to parse as and returns the values in an array.

The closest thing I can think to this would be to a struct within C(++) / C#, where it populates the struct's members with information from the binary data. A struct within C style languages is like an object, but without methods.

I can't think of any good examples right now on how to read data into a struct, but that's because I'm not really very good at C or C++ or C# for that matter. Try looking at this for examples on how to read data into structs ... or as always ... google it.

Mark Tomlin
Here's an implementation for C, , you'd call it like depickle(buf,"SLS",(though only integer support so far)
Thank you for that @nos.
Mark Tomlin
I think using stuct with pointers is a lot easier.
Jonathan Shepherd
I tend to agree with you @Jonathan, but I also think that's due to the fact that its the only way I really handle reading data in to struct. (In the packet based system that I read from.)
Mark Tomlin