



Is it possible to include a Silverlight (3) out-of-browser application to the add-or-remove programs list?

The intention is to be able to remove the OOB application that way (not just by right-clicking from within the running app)?

If the OOB app is installed with a shortcut to the desktop and you try to delete the shortcut you are presented with the standard 'you are just deleting a shortcut if you want to delete the application go to add or remove programs' dialog. I want to tidy up this inconsistency.


Yes, that's a standard feature - you don't have to do anything - if you take a look under Add/Remove programs you should see that your application is there already.


Am looking at my first sample/demo app for OOB (Enhanced Movie -Elephants Dream) but it's not in Add/Remove Progams. Unless VERY incorrectly named. Is it configurable anywhere?
Matt Lacey
Have tried several apps now and no entry is apprearing in the add or remove list (even after restart) on XP. Any ideas?
Matt Lacey