I want to validate the value a user enters in a text box, so that it only enters float numbers. I'm not interested in range. How can I do this, considering also culture localization information (e.g. "." or "," as separators)?
My usual method is to use a RegexValidator with a validation expression of ^(\d+(\.\d*)?)|(\d*(\.\d+))$
. You could ammend this to enable "." or ",": ^(\d+([\.,]\d*)?)|(\d*([\.,]\d+))$
If you wanted to be strictly correct, you'd enable the correct validation expression for each culture.
Also note that you still need a RequiredFieldValidator if the value is compulsary.
David Kemp
2008-11-06 12:17:16
I'm not normally a fan of using a regex to test whether something is a number, but I'll concede that it has the nice advantage in this case of doing the same validation both client and server-side while only writing the logic once.
Joel Coehoorn
2008-11-06 14:26:33