I gave Hans Passant the Check mark since he answered the question asked... However, I went another route for the solution. Since the dialog box is modal, the list of items will not change from the time it is created. So I am able to call the code below to ensure that the textboxes are in the correct location when the dialog first displays.
/// <summary>
/// Horizontally shifts the label and text boxes that display the total
/// values so that the totals remain aligned with the columns.
/// </summary>
private void ShiftTotalsDisplay(DataGridView grid, Label firstLabel,
TextBox secondTextBox, TextBox thirdTextBox)
//Note if you have a rowheader add the width here also.
int nameRightLoc = grid.Location.X +
int fpRightLoc = nameRightLoc +
grid.Columns[0].DividerWidth +
int dlRightLoc = fpRightLoc +
grid.Columns[1].DividerWidth +
Point loc = firstLabel.Location;
loc.X = nameRightLoc - firstLabel.Width - 2;
firstLabel.Location = loc;
loc = secondTextBox.Location;
loc.X = fpRightLoc - secondTextBox.Width - 2;
secondTextBox.Location = loc;
loc = thirdTextBox.Location;
loc.X = dlRightLoc - thirdTextBox.Width - 2;
thirdTextBox.Location = loc;