



SO I am not talking about the code editor. I have already imported my Visual Studio setting to change the color markup of my project files I am now wanting to change the Theme of Visual Studio to a darker theme using Theme plugin in the Visual Studio Gallery. Is there anywhere to go to get a pre-crafted dark theme as the default ones it comes with are quiet poor.

+2  A: 

I don't know of any existing ones, but here is how I made my own dark theme.

  1. Go to the Theme->Customize Colors menu
  2. Click the highlighted new theme link and name your theme
  3. Back on the main theme dialog, select all the available colors (click on one row in that table and press Ctrl-a to select all)
  4. (Optional) If you want to change the color to be slightly different, click on the Colorize button (it's the right-most button on the top row)
  5. Click the Modify Hue/Saturation/Lightness button (second-from-right on the top row). Move the saturation and lightness sliders to the left to get the effect you want (decreasing saturation removes color and makes everything grayer, decreasing lightness makes things darker without removing color).

I've made a few "themes" like this; a lighter/blue-er theme, a dark (gray) theme, and a dark (red) theme.

Noah Richards
+5  A: 

At first, I didn't read the question through carefully. So my answer was really related to color schemes, not color themes. But despite this, I got several upvotes.

And yesterday I found this Visual Studio 2010 Dark Expression Blend Color Theme:

Visual Studio 2010 Dark Expression Blend Color Theme

Previous answer related to color schemes only:

You could look for themes color schemes here. This is a great resource dedicated to share VS themes.

+1 for linking to my site :) glad that you liked it.
A: is the closest we've got so far, and the only dark theme is already individually linked above. Bit of a niche opportunity ;)


Try this link:

There are many similar sites , but this one hosts many themes.
