



How to create database table in Google App Engine

+2  A: 

I went on to Google, typed in your question, and got this page after about thirty seconds of clicking:

I hope it helps.

Randolph Potter
+1  A: 

In simple words just create you model class, create an object of this class and after first call of put() method for this object the "table"(I think the term here is kind) will be created on the fly. But you definitely have to read the documentation and check some examples. The will help you to understand the specifics of Google Datastore and how it differs from the common RDBMS

Ilian Iliev

In simple words, i would say that with Google BigTable you don't need to create your tables because there are already six Big Tables ready to store whatever you want.

+2  A: 

You don't. You create Entities of different kinds. Datastore is not a relational database[*].

If you want to imagine that GAE creates one "table" for each kind, the "columns" of that "table" being the properties of the entities, then you're welcome to do so. But I don't think it helps.

[*] I don't know whether it meets some technical definition, but it certainly doesn't drive like SQL-based databases.

Steve Jessop