



I have the following classes

public class AList
   public List<B> ListOfBs {get; set;}

public class B
   public string BaseProperty {get; set;}

public class C : B
    public string SomeProperty {get; set;}

public class Main
    public static void Main(string[] args)
        var aList = new AList();
        aList.ListOfBs = new List<B>();
        var c = new C { BaseProperty = "Base", SomeProperty = "Some" };

        var type = typeof (AList);
        var serializer = new XmlSerializer(type);
        TextWriter w = new StringWriter();
        serializer.Serialize(w, aList);

Now when I try to run the code I got an InvalidOperationException at last line saying that

The type XmlTest.C was not expected. Use the XmlInclude or SoapInclude attribute to specify types that are not known statically.

I know that adding a [XmlInclude(typeof(C))] attribute with [XmlRoot] would solve the problem. But I want to achieve it dynamically. Because in my project class C is not known prior to loading. Class C is being loaded as a plugin, so it is not possible for me to add XmlInclude attribute there.

I tried also with

TypeDescriptor.AddAttributes(typeof(AList), new[] { new XmlIncludeAttribute(c.GetType()) });


var type = typeof (AList);

but no use. It is still giving the same exception.

Does any one have any idea on how to achieve it?

+1  A: 

Have a look at the documentation of XmlSerializer. There is a constructor which expects known types as the second parameter. That should work fine for you use case.


I'm don't think attributes can be applied at runtime, as they are used to create Meta-data at the CIL code.

M.A. Hanin
+3  A: 

Two options; the simplest (but giving odd xml) is:

        XmlSerializer ser = new XmlSerializer(typeof(AList),
            new Type[] {typeof(B), typeof(C)});

With example output:

<AList xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:xsd=""&gt;
    <B />
    <B xsi:type="C" />

The more elegant is:

        XmlAttributeOverrides aor = new XmlAttributeOverrides();
        XmlAttributes listAttribs = new XmlAttributes();
        listAttribs.XmlElements.Add(new XmlElementAttribute("b", typeof(B)));
        listAttribs.XmlElements.Add(new XmlElementAttribute("c", typeof(C)));
        aor.Add(typeof(AList), "ListOfBs", listAttribs);

        XmlSerializer ser = new XmlSerializer(typeof(AList), aor);

With example output:

<AList xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:xsd=""&gt;
  <b />
  <c />

In either case you must cache and re-use the ser instance; otherwise you will haemorrhage memory from dynamic compilation.

Marc Gravell
I tried this one but it is giving me this following exception"XmlRoot and XmlType attributes may not be specified for the type XmlTest.AList."Any idea why its is coming and how to resolve it?
Anindya Chatterjee
@Anindya - that is odd; the example "as is" works fine for me. What framework version are you using?
Marc Gravell
@Anindya - I've tried on 4.0 and 2.0 (which covers 3.0 and 3.5) and cannot reproduce. Can you give a more complete description of this?
Marc Gravell