




I have an user control, userControl1.ascx, and another user control, userControl2.ascx. userControl2 is inside userControl1. userControl1 is inside an UpdatePanel control. userControl2 has a button in it then I want to have do a normal post back when pushed. I want to use ScriptManager.RegisterPostBackControl(button). I have a ScriptManager on a master page. I don't know how to access the ScriptManager in userControl2 to register the button in the Page_Load event. So, How can I do this?

+1  A: 

You can find the script manager by using a recursive FindControl method. This is not best practice but it will get the job done. The is not really a pretty way to do this.

var scriptManager = FindControl(Page, "IdOfScriptManager"); 

public static Control FindControlRecursive(Control root, string id)
        if (root.ID == id)
            return root;

        foreach (Control c in root.Controls)
            Control t = FindControlRecursive(c, id);
            if (t != null)
                return t;

        return null;
That worked. Can you tell me why a regular find control would not work here?
The ScriptManager might not be a direct child of the Page. Its might be inside other controls. This is usually the case when using master pages since master pages and content placeholders are considered controls too.