This is the simplest one:
select * from tbl where replace(col,'0','') = ''
If you will not make computed column for that expression, you can opt for function-based index(note: Oracle and Postgres already supports this; Sql Server as of version 2008, not yet) to make that performant:
create index ix_tbl on tbl(replace(col,'0',''))
I just keep the answer below for posterity, I tried to explain how to make the query use index from computed column.
Use this:
select * from tbl
where ISNUMERIC(col) = 1 and cast(col as int) = 0
For ISNUMERIC needs on Oracle, use this:
@Charles, re: computed column on Oracle:
For RDBMSes that supports computed column but it doesn't have persisted option, yes it will make function call for every row. If it supports persisted column, it won't make function call, you have real column on the table which is precomputed from that function. Now, if the data could make the function raise an exception, there are two scenarios.
First, if you didn't specify persist, it will allow you to save the computed column (ALTER TABLE tbl ADD numeric_equivalent AS cast(col as int)
) even if the result from the data will raise an exception, but you cannot unconditionally select that column, this will raise exception:
select * from tbl
this won't raise exception:
select * from tbl where is_col_numeric = 1
this will:
select * from tbl where numeric_equivalent = 0 and is_col_numeric = 1
this won't (Sql Server supports short-circuiting):
select * from tbl where is_col_numeric = 1 and numeric_equivalent = 0
For reference, the is_col_numeric above was created using this:
is_col_numeric AS isnumeric(col)
And this is is_col_numeric's index:
create index ix_is_col_numeric on tbl(is_col_numeric)
Now for the second scenario, you put computed column with PERSISTED option on table that already has existing data(e.g. 'ABXY','X1','ETC') that raises exception when function/expression(e.g. cast) is applied to it, your RDBMS will not allow you to make a computed column. If your table has no data, it will allow you to put PERSISTED option, but afterwards when you attempt to insert data(e.g. insert into tbl(col) values('ABXY')
) that raises an exception, your RDBMS will not allow you to save your data. Thereby only numeric text can be saved in your table, your PERSISTED computed column degenerate into a constraint check, albeit a full detoured one.
For reference, here's the persisted computed column sample:
numeric_equivalent AS cast(col as int) persisted
Now, some of us might be tempted to not put PERSISTED option on computed column. This would be kind of self-defeating endeavor in terms of performance purposes, because you might not be able to create index on them later. When later you want to create index on the unpersisted computed column, and the table already has data 'ABXY', the database won't allow you to create an index. Index creation need to obtain the value from column, and if that column raises an exception, it won't allow you to create index on it.
If we attempt to cheat a bit i.e. we immediately create an index on that unpersisted computed column upon table creation, the database will allow you to do that. But when we insert 'ABXY' to table later, it will not be saved, the database is automatically constructing index(es) after we insert data to the table. The index constructor receives exception instead of data, so it cannot make an index entry for the data we tried inserting, subsequently inserting data will not happen.
So how can we attain index nirvana on computed column? First of all, we make sure that the computed column is PERSISTED, doing this will ensure that errors kicks-in immediately; if we don't put PERSISTED option, anything that could raise exception will be deferred to index construction, just making things fail later. Bugs are easier to find when they happen sooner. After making the column persisted, put an index on it
So if we have existing data '00','01', '2', this will allow us to make persisted computed column. Now after that, if we insert 'ABXY', it will not be inserted, the database cannot persist anything from computed column that raised an exception. So we will just roll our own cast that doesn't raise exception.
To wit(just translate this to Oracle equivalent):
create function cast_as_int(@n varchar(20)) returns int with schemabinding
begin try
return cast(@n as int);
end try
begin catch
return null;
end catch
Please do note that catching exception in UDF will not work yet in Sql Server, but Microsoft have plans to support that
This is now our non-exception-raising persisted computed column:
numeric_equivalent AS cast_as_int(a) persisted
Drop the existing index, then recreate it:
create index ix_num_equiv on tbl(numeric_equivalent)
Now this query will become index-abiding-citizen, performant, and won't raise exception even the order of conditions is reversed:
select * from tbl where numeric_equivalent = 0 and is_col_numeric = 1
To make it more performant, since the numeric_equivalent column doesn't raise any more exceptions, we have no more use for is_col_numeric, so just use this:
select * from tbl where numeric_equivalent = 0