I'm a newbie in Haskell and I'd like some opinions about improving this script. This is a code generator and requires a command line argument to generate the sql script.
./GenCode "people name:string age:integer"
import Data.List
import System.Environment (getArgs)
create_table :: String -> String
create_table str = "CREATE TABLE " ++ h (words str)
where h (x:xs) = let cab = x
final = xs
in x ++ "( " ++ create_fields xs ++ ")"
create_fields (x:xs) = takeWhile (/=':') x ++ type x ++ sig
where sig | length xs > 0 = "," ++ create_fields xs
| otherwise = " " ++ create_fields xs
create_fields [] = ""
type x | isInfixOf "string" x = " CHARACTER VARYING"
| isInfixOf "integer" x = " INTEGER"
| isInfixOf "date" x = " DATE"
| isInfixOf "serial" x = " SERIAL"
| otherwise = ""
main = mainWith
where mainWith = do
args <- getArgs
case args of
[] -> putStrLn $ "You need one argument"
(x:xs) -> putStrLn $ (create_table x)