




I am facing the following issue and appreciate your help for I have run out of ideas as how to fix.

I have the following in my test: Mock> mockToolbarClickEvent3 = new Mock>(); _aggregator.Setup(e => e.GetEvent>()).Returns(mockToolbarClickEvent3.Object);

In my code (that I am testing) I have the following for Publishing an event:

SomeObject someoject = new SomeObject(); _aggregator.GetEvent>().Publish(someObject);

where SomeObject has a Filter method that returns true or false.

And for subscribing I have the following: mc.Subscribe(myCallback, ThreadOption.PublisherThread, true, target => target.Filter());

However when I make the call to Publish nothing happens and the event is not received by the subscribing methods and modules.

What am I missing?

Thank you so much in advance,