



I want to make my Python library working with MySQLdb be able to detect deadlocks and try again. I believe I've coded a good solution, and now I want to test it.

Any ideas for the simplest queries I could run using MySQLdb to create a deadlock condition would be?

system info:

  • MySQL 5.0.19
  • Client 5.1.11
  • Windows XP
  • Python 2.4 / MySQLdb 1.2.1 p2

you can always run LOCK TABLE tablename from another session (mysql CLI for instance). That might do the trick.

It will remain locked until you release it or disconnect the session.

That would just cause a OperationalError: (1205, 'Lock wait timeout exceeded; try restarting transaction'), no?
@Greg: I think they're talking about one session doing LOCK TABLE A, and another session doing LOCK TABLE B. THey have to synchronize somehow at this point. Then session one attempts a LOCK TABLE B. When session two attempts LOCK TABLE A -- it will deadlock.
+1  A: 

I'm not familar with Python, so excuse my incorrect language If I'm saying this wrong... but open two sessions (in separate windows, or from separate Python processes - from separate boxes would work ... ) Then ...

. In Session A:

   Begin Transaction 
      Insert TableA()  Values()...

. Then In Session B:

Begin Transaction
  Insert TableB() Values()... 
  Insert TableA() Values() ...

. Then go back to session A

  Insert TableB() Values () ...

You'll get a deadlock...

Charles Bretana
How would I make sure they run at exactly the same time?
Sorry, I meant to "manually" control when each of the three steps above are executed... First, Begin Transaction and insert tabe a in session A, then move to the other process and do the second chunk, then move to first process and (maybe have a user button to do this) execute the last chunk
Charles Bretana
Without using Python or any other client code, I would just write the Insert statements in two SQL windows, and move back and forth from one to the other... But you want your code to "trap" and detect the deadlock...
Charles Bretana
Can you put a timer in the first session between the first Insert and the second, that waits for tem seconds? Then after you start session A, start SessionB... The second half of Session A (After the 10 sec delay, would happen after Session B and that would create the deadlock...
Charles Bretana
Or use thread synchronization primitives to coordinate the threads.
Ned Batchelder
Insert isn't the best way to do this because insert may not take out a very restrictive lock. Use a pair of UPDATEs, it virtually guarantees a deadlock.
ahh yes, at the default isolation level (Read Committed), or even at Repeatable read, I think, - you're right. If you're at Serializable, otoh, I think this may still get you a deadlock, cause the lock will be on the range of rows in the index...
Charles Bretana
+2  A: 

You want something along the following lines.

import subprocess
c1= subprocess.Popen( ["python", "", "1"], stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=subprocess.PIPE )
c2= subprocess.Popen( ["python", "", "2"], stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=subprocess.PIPE )
out1, err1= c1.communicate( "to 1: hit it!" )
print " 1:", repr(out1)
print "*1:", repr(err1)
out2, err2= c2.communicate( "to 2: ready, set, go!" )
print " 2:", repr(out2)
print "*2:", repr(err2)
out1, err1= c1.communicate()
print " 1:", repr(out1)
print "*1:", repr(err1)
out2, err2= c2.communicate()
print " 2:", repr(out2)
print "*2:", repr(err2)

import yourDBconnection as dbapi2

def child1():
    print "Child 1 start"
    conn= dbapi2.connect( ... )
    c1= conn.cursor()
    conn.begin() # turn off autocommit, start a transaction
    ra= c1.execute( "UPDATE A SET AC1='Achgd' WHERE AC1='AC1-1'" )
    print ra
    print "Child1", raw_input()
    rb= c1.execute( "UPDATE B SET BC1='Bchgd' WHERE BC1='BC1-1'" )
    print rb
    print "Child 1 finished"

def child2():
    print "Child 2 start"
    conn= dbapi2.connect( ... )
    c1= conn.cursor()
    conn.begin() # turn off autocommit, start a transaction
    rb= c1.execute( "UPDATE B SET BC1='Bchgd' WHERE BC1='BC1-1'" )
    print rb
    print "Child2", raw_input()
    ra= c1.execute( "UPDATE A SET AC1='Achgd' WHERE AC1='AC1-1'" )
    print ta
    print "Child 2 finish"

    if sys.argv[1] == "1":
except Exception, e:
    print repr(e)

Note the symmetry. Each child starts out holding one resource. Then they attempt to get someone else's held resource. You can, for fun, have 3 children and 3 resources for a really vicious circle.

Note that difficulty in contriving a situation in which deadlock occurs. If your transactions are short -- and consistent -- deadlock is very difficult to achieve. Deadlock requires (a) transaction which hold locks for a long time AND (b) transactions which acquire locks in an inconsistent order. I have found it easiest to prevent deadlocks by keeping my transactions short and consistent.

Also note the non-determinism. You can't predict which child will die with a deadlock and which will continue after the other died. Only one of the two need to die to release needed resources for the other. Some RDBMS's claim that there's a rule based on number of resources held blah blah blah, but in general, you'll never know how the victim was chosen.

Because of the two writes being in a specific order, you sort of expect child 1 to die first. However, you can't guarantee that. It's not deadlock until child 2 tries to get child 1's resources -- the sequence of who acquired first may not determine who dies.

Also note that these are processes, not threads. Threads -- because of the Python GIL -- might be inadvertently synchronized and would require lots of calls to time.sleep( 0.001 ) to give the other thread a chance to catch up. Processes -- for this -- are slightly simpler because they're fully independent.



Looks promising but here's what I get when I run it:

 1: 'Child 1 start\r\n0\r\nChild1 to 1: hit it!\r\n0\r\nChild 1 finished\r\n'
*1: None
 2: 'Child 1 start\r\n0\r\nChild1 to 2: ready, set, go!\r\n0\r\nChild 1 finished
*2: None
 1: ''
*1: None
 2: ''
*2: None

(I couldn't comment this on your post since there's no formatting in comments)

Autocommit is probably true by default. Use explicit `connection.begin()` calls.
I tried adding c1.execute("SET AUTOCOMMIT=0");c1.execute("START TRANSACTION") after the c1= conn.cursor() lines but still the same result.
I think you need to call begin() on the connection to start a transaction.
Also, locking depends on your storage engine. Which engine are you using?
Hmm, still same result, and I get this: "DeprecationWarning: begin() is non-standard and will be removed in 1.3".
Please update the question with the MySQL engine you're using -- and any other MySQL information.
Not at work till Monday, I'll update it then :-) Thanks for the help BTW.
Updated with system info.
A database engine using MVCC will often return slightly wrong data instead of deadlocking. Hint: Set your transaction isolation setting to SERIALIZABLE.
Seun Osewa
+1  A: 

Not sure if either above is correct. Check out this:
