



class Node
    FooType Data; // I can save Data to file with extension .foo
    void Save()
       // save Data to .foo file

Now ,

class Graph
    List<Node> Nodes; 
    void Save()
        foreach(Node node in Nodes)

Now when I invoke someGraph.Save(); then it creates Nodes.Count number of files.

I would like to appear those files as one file with extension somename.graph and be able to read it again as Nodes.

How can I do this? Is there a way to bundle files into a single different file?

+1  A: 

Use an archive format like zip.

Without external library support, you could just use .Net's serialisation mechanism to store a Dictionary<string, byte[]> (filename and data for each file) in a single file. Start here.

Marcelo Cantos
Nice. But am not allowed to use external libraries. +1 This is what I am thinking about but is there any other way?
What is "external" about it? It's built into the .Net framework.
Chris Dunaway
@Chris, that's probably my fault. The link I provided points to a third-party zip library. I wasn't aware that .Net has zip file support built in.
Marcelo Cantos

Or Graph.Save should pass the file stream it is using to each of the node.Save calls, so Node.Save uses the same file stream as its enclosing Graph.

I have no control over `Data.Save();`. It will create `somthing.foo` on disk. I want to combine those `.foo`s to one single file.

Can you not use the classes in the System.IO.Compression namespace? Specifically, GZipStream? This would not constitute a 3rd party library as it is built into .Net and is available from 2.0 and onward.

Chris Dunaway