Hey all,
I need to make some connections on startup of a server. I'm using the wcf technology for this client-server application. The problem is that the constructor of the server isn't called at any time, so for the moment, i initialize the connections when the first client makes a connection. But this generates problems in a further part.
This is my server setup:
private static ServiceHost _svc;
static void Main(string[] args)
NetTcpBinding binding = new NetTcpBinding(SecurityMode.Message);
Uri address = new Uri("net.tcp://localhost:8000");
_svc = new ServiceHost(typeof(MonitoringSystemService), address);
publishMetaData(_svc, "http://localhost:8001");
_svc.AddServiceEndpoint(typeof(IMonitoringSystemService), binding, "Monitoring Server");
Console.WriteLine("Listener service gestart op net.tcp://localhost:8000/Monitoring");
private static void publishMetaData(ServiceHost svc, string sEndpointAddress)
ServiceMetadataBehavior smb = svc.Description.Behaviors.Find<ServiceMetadataBehavior>();
if (smb != null)
smb.HttpGetEnabled = true;
smb.HttpGetUrl = new Uri(sEndpointAddress);
smb = new ServiceMetadataBehavior();
smb.HttpGetEnabled = true;
smb.HttpGetUrl = new Uri(sEndpointAddress);
How can i start the server without waiting for a client to logon so i can initialize it.
Thanks in advance.