




I have to login with a username / password with a c# program with form.

I have already do that with HttpUtility on PHP website but how to do that with ASP.NET website ?

In ASP.NET, I must handle postback and so on... Any ideas ?

Thanks in advance

Best regards


I have to privilegied access to this website. I have to login like any other visitor. I don't know if it clarify enough the question

+1  A: 

Look into the Membership Providers provided by ASP.NET

Daniel Dyson
+2  A: 

Daniel is right the ASP.NET MembershipProvider is what your looking for. Here is a nice walkthorough the ASP.NET Membership Provider.

It explains in details what to do to let people register/sign on/off.

He wants to programmatically interact with an ASP.Net website, posting informationand reading the response. Knowing Membership won't help.
Ok, your guessing skills seem to be much more advanced than mine ;) I seriously though he is getting into ASP.NET development coming from a php background. Even after reading it again ;)
I'm taking my guessing from the C# Program, and HttpUtility.... Plus I've done something like this before...
+1 I agree, the question was not detailed enough to draw too many conclusions about requirements
Daniel Dyson
I have to privilegied access to this website. I have to login like any other visitor. I don't know if it clarify enough the question