


+2  Q: 

Post data to JsonP


Is it possible to post data to JsonP? Or does all data have to be passed in the querystring as a GET request?

I have alot of data that I need to send to the service, cross domain, and it is too large to send via the querystring

What are the options for getting around this?



Well generally JSONP is implemented by adding a <script> tag to the calling document, such that the URL of the JSONP service is the "src". The browser fetches script source with an HTTP GET transaction.

Now, if your JSONP service is in the same domain as your calling page, then you could probably cobble something together with a simple $.ajax() call. If it's not in the same domain, then I'm not sure how it'd be possible.

It's not in the same domain in this case. And I am assuming that only GET is possible, but wanted to check as I've only started reading about JsonP today and need to make some decisions on whether it is suitable for what I need
Christo Fur
+1  A: 

It is not possible to do an asynchronous POST to a service on another domain, due to the (quite sensible) limitation of the same origin policy. JSON-P only works because you're allowed to insert <script> tags into the DOM, and they can point anywhere.

You can, of course, make a page on another domain the action of a regular form POST.

Edit: There are some interesting hacks out there if you're willing to go to a lot of effort inserting hidden <iframe>s and mucking about with their properties.
