Hi all. I have an application written with Qt (I use VS + Integrator). Need to set an icon for it. I read "Setting the Application Icon" tutorial, but i can't use this method because I have no *.pro file. Googled for an hour and found no solution :( Any suggestions?
Create an application which is simply an empty QMainWindow (or some other widget) and then create a qmake project for it. You can typically do this with:
qmake -project
Then modify the qmake file per the Setting the Application Icon tutorial and rebuild your Makefile
by running qmake
Now examine the commands that are being executed and emulate that process on your build system.
These instructions might work if you're running Visual Studio.
Kaleb Pederson
2010-04-23 17:57:31
Finally i made it =) Thanks for answer.
2010-04-23 19:56:40