


+2  Q: 

PHP PDO - Num Rows

PDO apparently has no means to count the number of rows returned from a select query (mysqli has the num_rows variable).

Is there a way to do this, short of using count($results->fetchAll()) ?


According to the manual, there is a PDOStatement->rowCount method ; but it shouldn't be used (quoting) :

For most databases, PDOStatement::rowCount() does not return the number of rows affected by a SELECT statement.
Instead, use PDO::query() to issue a SELECT COUNT(*) statement with the same predicates as your intended SELECT statement, then use PDOStatement::fetchColumn() to retrieve the number of rows that will be returned.
Your application can then perform the correct action.

If you already have a recordset, and want to know how many lines are in it, you'll have to fetch the data, using one of the fetch* methods ; and use count -- like you suggested.

Yeah, thus my problem. How is it possible that PDO *doesn't* have a num_rows function? Every other db connector lib out there has it.
If you have the data, you can count the number of lines it contains by yourself *(like you suggested)* ; so I suppose there is no *real* need for a method that would do that...
Grabbing all the data just for the sake of counting, then throwing that array away is very wasteful, especially if it's a big array..
That's why I said *"if you already have a recordset"* ; if you don't, and want to know how many rows your query could give, when not using a LIMIT clause, I'd say that another query with a count() is the solution you're looking for ?
That's a good point. I can just change the way cycle through the record set to use the `$arr = $rs->fetchAll();` instead of `$rs->fetch()`.. dunno why that didn't occur to me. :S
That would be a solution ;-) ;; another one would be to increment a counter variable while looping with fetch() -- but this would only work if you don't need to know the final count before the end of the loop.
FWIW, no connector can give you an accurate count of the rows *without fetching them*. Even in the MySQL C API call `mysql_num_rows()`, you can't get the count until you've fetched all the rows. See
Bill Karwin