




I v porblem in assembly 8086, I can't use 2D array when I m using like this mov ar[cx][dx] then arising error and when I want to us SI and DI both in arrary then also find error. I need answer quickly thanks for your help

+9  A: 

I would be very impressed in a CPU that provided array lookup semantics in its assembly language. Or rather, I would be annoyed if it meant something more important had been sacrificed.

The general way to do array lookup in assembly is by doing the calculation yourself to turn the two indexes for a 2D array into a single index for a 1D array, and adjust for the element size. For example (pseudo-code):

ax = cx * major_dimension
ax = ax + dx
ax = ax * element_size
ax = peek[base+ax]

where major_dimension is one of the dimensions of the 2D array (which dimension you use depends entirely on how the data is laid out in memory), element_size is the size of each element, base is the start of the array and cx/dx are the indexes you're using to access the array.

For example, if you have a 3-by-4 (a[0-2][0-3]) array at memory location 0x0700 and these are 32-bit integers:

0x0700: | a[0,0] | a[0,1] | a[0,2] | a[0,3] |
0x0710: | a[1,0] | a[1,1] | a[1,2] | a[1,3] |
0x0720: | a[2,0] | a[2,1] | a[2,2] | a[2,3] |

To find array element a[n,m], you calculate the major index multiplied by four plus the minor index, scale it to the correct element size (4 bytes) then add the base. To find element a[2,1]

addr = base   + (n * 4 + m) * 4
     = 0x0700 + (2 * 4 + 1) * 4
     = 0x0700 + (8     + 1) * 4
     = 0x0700 + (9        ) * 4
     = 0x0700 + 36
     = 0x0700 + 0x24
     = 0x0724

Then that's the address you use for looking up the 1D array.

And, based on the comment that:

ar   db   3dup(3dup(0))
     mov  ar[bx][si],al

would work, that's not quite right (ar[bx][si] is masm-specific syntax equivalent to ar[bx+si]).

All that does is a simple addition of the ar address with the bx and si registers. It does not scale the bx or si register to take into account the major dimension and it does not scale the bx+si value for the element size. So it will only work as-is for a 2D array of bytes where the major dimension is 1, which I'm pretty sure would make it a 1D array :-)

To work for any case, you would first need to multiply bx or si (depending on which is being used for the major dimension) by the major dimension then both bx and si by the element size.

I know about these but my question not like this.my Q is what is the format support in 8086 assembly. How we assign data in 2D array and how we get data form array
You can't do it in 8086. Its instruction set has no 2D array capability, just the base+offset, which allows you to do a 1D array. 2D you have to emulate yourself. Use `mul` (unigned multiply) and `add` (add) to do the calculations.
I found it, 2D array worked in 8086
ar db 3dup(3dup(0)) just declared with every packet 0mov ar[bx][si],al this is worked bx as base register,these both BX,SI worked together for array
@R.K.Rahu, based-indexed-plus-displacement is not actually 2D array addressing, it's a simple additive addressing mode where you add (in your example, ar+bx+si. You _still_ need to multiply bx or si by one of the dimensions (and adjust for array element size) to get the right address.
ya I agree I v to multiply bx with column value every time whenever row insertion finish . ar[bx][si] ( bx*0)+si for 1st row and (bx*1)+si for 2nd rowthank u very much then one thing If u look up this comment give me answerdifference between 9 dup(0) and 3dup(3dup(0))

I'm not really clear on the exact question you're asking but are you after something like this (using base/indexed addressing mode)?

lea bx, array_base
mov si, array_index
mov ax, [bx][si]
Trevor Tippins
thanks I agree and I know this but this is for 1D arraybut I want 2D array assignment
@R.K.: In assembler it's all the same. Just flat, linearly addressed memory. You need to calculate the offset: array_index = y * row_size + x (and also take into account the size of the elements - this is for a byte offset) as others have mentioned.
Trevor Tippins
ya I agree but I want to say that assembly compiler provided some array facility for 2D such as ( ar[bx][si] ) this worked as for acquire value of row and column of array variable.