I want to do something that I thought would be very simple. I want to bind a generated Entity Framework EntityCollection to a WPF DataGrid. I also want this grid to be sortable.
I have tried all kinds of things to make this happen, including using a CollectionViewSource. However, nothing seems to work. Using a normal CollectionViewSource around the EntityCollection gives me:
'System.Windows.Data.BindingListCollectionView' view does not support sorting.
Ok...strange. I would have thought this would work. Next on the CollectionViewSource, I try setting:
Great, sorting now works. But wait, I can't add or remove entities using the grid now, presumably because ListCollectionView doesn't support this with an entity framework context.
So, I guess I need to capture events coming out of the datagrid in order to add or remove entities manually from my context. Now I can't find an event to capture to detect an add...!
Why is this so hard? This should be the standard "demo" case that Microsoft should have designed around.
Any ideas?