Adding to what High Performance Mark wrote...
If you want to use commas to separate the numbers, then you should use list-directed IO rather than formatted IO. (Sometimes this is called format-free IO, but that non-standard term is easy to confuse with binary IO). This is easier to use since you don't have to arrange the numbers precisely in columns and can separate them with spaces or commas. The read is simply "read (10, *) variables"
But sticking to formatted IO, here is some sample code:
program demo1
implicit none
integer, dimension (2,5) :: small
integer :: irow, jcol
open ( unit=10, file='boundary.txt', access='sequential', form='formatted' )
do irow=1, ubound (small, 1)
read (10, '(5I4)') (small (irow, jcol), jcol=1, ubound (small, 2))
end do
write (*, '( / "small (1,2) =", I2, " and small (2,1)=", I2 )' ) small (1,2), small (2,1)
end program demo1
Using the I4 formatted read, the data need to be in columns:
11 12 13 14 15
21 22 23 24 25
The data file shouldn't contain the first row "1234..." -- that is in the example to make the alignment required for the format 5I4 clear.
With my example program, there is an outer do loop for irow and an "implied do loop" as part of the read statement. You could also eliminate the outer do loop and use two implied do loops on the read statement, as High Performance Mark showed. In this case, if you kept the format specification (5I4), it would get reused to read the second line -- this is called format reversion. (On a more complicated format, one needs to read the rules to understand which part of the format is reused in format reversion.) This is standard, and has been so at least since FORTRAN 77 and probably FORTRAN IV. (Of course, the declarations and style of my example are Fortran 90).
I used "ubound" so that you neither have to carry around variables storing the dimensions of the array, nor use specific numeric values. The later method can cause problems if you later decide to change the dimension of the array -- then you have to hunt down all of the specific values (here 2 and 5) and change them.
There is no need for a rewind after an open statement.