Hi there.
It might look like philosophical question, however it really bother me. We're expecting HTML 5, we're using JS, Ajax, Flex, all this stuff, but when older browsers were devleoped, nooone even dreamed about such technologies.
IE6 can't see transparency in PNG's. Some correct W3C techniques, are bad interpreted by IE6. It's just too old for our "new" world.
IE7 is sight better better than IE6, but it still has some weird errors.
How many people use IE6 now? And if someone upgraded to IE7, doesn't he already upgraded to IE8?
Should we bother about those browsers?
(sorry for bad eng, but noone in my country answered me to this)
So - IE6 users are mostly corporations (the have to use it, becouse of some contracts), and we can't count on miracle change to IE8.
I'd rather spend my time to check is my site good-loking and functional in some mobiles, than checking IE6 compability.