



I'd like to clean up some directories after my script runs by deleting certain folders and files from the current directory if they exist. Originally, I structured the script like this:

if (Test-Path Folder1) {
  Remove-Item -r Folder1
if (Test-Path Folder2) {
  Remove-Item -r Folder2
if (Test-Path File1) {
  Remove-Item File1

Now that I have quite a few items listed in this section, I'd like to clean up the code. How can I do so?

Side note: The items are cleaned up before the script runs, since they are left over from the previous run in case I need to examine them.


One possibility

function ql {$args}

ql Folder1 Folder2 Folder3 File3 |
    ForEach {
        if(Test-Path $_) {
            Remove-Item $_
Doug Finke
# if you do not mind to have a few ignored errors
Remove-Item -Recurse -Force -ErrorAction 0 @(
Roman Kuzmin
I prefer to not have ignored errors since they are pretty easily avoided here. :)
Agree, it is not suitable for your scenario because you should know the issues before the script continues. Still, this version will do in some other cases, for example cleanup *after* the script work.
Roman Kuzmin
+1  A: 
Folder1, Folder2, File1, Folder3 |
    ?{ test-path $_ } |
            if ($_.PSIsContainer) {
                rm -rec $_ #  For directories, do the delete recursively
            } else {
                rm $_ #  for files, just delete the item

Or, you could do two separate blocks for each type.

Folder1, Folder2, File1, Folder3 |
    ?{ test-path $_ } |
        ?{ $_.PSIsContainer } |
            rm -rec

Folder1, Folder2, File1, Folder3 |
    ?{ test-path $_ } |
        ?{ -not ($_.PSIsContainer) } |
Damian Powell
It turns out `Remove-Item -r` works for both folders and files.
@280Z28 Cool! I didn't know that.
Damian Powell
+1  A: 
# if you want to avoid errors on missed paths
# (because even ignored errors are added to $Error)
# (or you want to -ErrorAction Stop if an item is not removed)
) |
Where-Object { Test-Path $_ } |
ForEach-Object { Remove-Item $_ -Recurse -Force -ErrorAction Stop }
Roman Kuzmin
You can pipe straight into `Remove-Item` by dropping the `$_`.
Good point (for binding input to the -Path parameter). In fact, I usually use -LiteralPath as much as possible (less error prone), so I proposed this version still keeping -LiteralPath in mind.
Roman Kuzmin