



Extremely basic question.

Are there common actions I can perform using keyboard shortcuts in the Windows Forms designer in Visual Studio (2008)?

Alternately, could I add my own keyboard shortcuts (either through settings or macros)?

It'd really be nice if I could, for example, set a control to dock/undock in its parent container by typing Alt+D. Or if I could set a control's name just by typing Alt+N and typing the name. Things like that.

It's just kind of tedious to click on the item, scroll in the Properties grid to the property I want to change, type the new value, scroll to the next property I want to change, etc. Which is why I have a feeling this functionality is in there already, or is easily configurable, and I just don't know about it.

+1  A: 

I don't know of any specific to the Windows Forms Designer.

Here are the general ones: Visual C# 2008 Keybinding Reference Poster

Automating Repetitive Actions by Using Macros

  • Go to Tools -> Macros -> Record TemporaryMacro [Ctrl+Shift+R] and record your macro.

  • Save macro by going to Tools -> Macros -> Save TemporaryMacro as MyMacro

There are several built-in macros, which can be explored using Macro Explorer, Tools -> Macros -> Macro Explorer

There is also Resharper.

Mitch Wheat
I'm going to go ahead and accept this since it answered my question quite perfectly. Now, onto a more specific question:
Dan Tao