I got a stored procedure that delivers a table of students, and it needs to order by surname, name etc... it also needs to sort ascending, descending, depending on the parameter @orderby...
ORDER BY CASE WHEN @orderby = 'studentkey' THEN Studentkey END ASC, CASE WHEN @orderby = 'studentkey' and @desc = 1 THEN Studentkey END DESC, CASE WHEN @orderby = 'initials' THEN Initials END ASC, CASE WHEN @orderby = 'initials' and @desc = 1 THEN Initials END DESC, CASE WHEN @orderby = 'firstname' THEN Firstname END ASC, CASE WHEN @orderby = 'firstname' and @desc = 1 THEN Firstname END DESC, CASE WHEN @orderby = 'nickname' THEN Nickname END ASC, CASE WHEN @orderby = 'nickname' and @desc = 1 THEN Nickname END DESC, CASE WHEN @orderby = 'insertion' THEN Insertion END ASC, CASE WHEN @orderby = 'insertion' and @desc = 1 THEN Insertion END DESC, CASE WHEN @orderby = 'surname' THEN Surname END ASC, CASE WHEN @orderby = 'surname' and @desc = 1 THEN Surname END DESC NED
There is a difference in output between @desc = 1 and @desc = 0, but not what i desire...
Does anyone have a solution?