



In an interview, Interview asked me an question :

  • The communication between our application and the remote database must be done with https (more secure).

How could you do it? I didn't find any clue for this question in google also.

How to establish secure connection between java application and database? Please help me.


Google for JDBC connection over SSL. See here for an example.

+1  A: 

HTTPS? If your client is using something proprietary with a web server acting as an intermediary to talk to the db server it would (one would hope) be transparent between your application the & web server; simply change from HTTP to HTTPS, ditto if you’re using SQL Server web service end-points (which you can make use HTTPS).

If perhaps you mean SSL then SQL server supports encrypted connections between client and server, see this question.

Alex K.

Hopefully the person who asked the question wasn't seriously thinking about exposing a database to the wider Internet. If they were, better not to accept that position.
