On my old Windows XP laptop, which I set up about 2 years ago, I have vim71 installed. I renamed vim.exe to vi.exe. And when I invoke vi with a file name from a Windows Command Prompt, vi opens up the file in a new window. (By "new window", I mean a window in the Microsoft Windows sense, not in the vi sense.) The Command Prompt is then available to accept a new command.
I am now trying to configure vim similarly on a new Windows 7 laptop. I installed vim72 (the latest version), and I renamed vim.exe to vi.exe. Now, when I invoke vi with a file name from a Windows Command Prompt, vi opens the file inside the Command Prompt window (instead of opening up a new Microsoft Windows window).
How can I get vi to open up files in a new Microsoft Windows window? (Is this a difference between vim71 and vim72, or a difference between vim on XP and vim on Windows 7, or something else?)