




Hi, after extensive trawling of the internet I still havent found any solution for this problem.

I`m writing a small C++ app that connects to an online database and outputs the data in a listbox.

I need to enable a search function using an edit box, but I cant get the query to work while using a variable.

My code is:

res = mysql_perform_query (conn, "select distinct artist from Artists");
//res = mysql_perform_query (conn, "select album from Artists where artist = ' ' ");

while((row = mysql_fetch_row(res)) != NULL){
CString str;

str = ("%s\n", row[0]);



the first "res = " line is working fine, but I need the second one to work. I have a member variable m_search_edit set up for the edit box, but any way I try to include it in the sql statement causes errors.


res = mysql_perform_query (conn, "select album from Artists where artist = '"+m_search_edit+" ' ");

causes this error:

error C2664: 'mysql_perform_query' : cannot convert parameter 2 from 'class CString' to 'char *' No user-defined-conversion operator available that can perform this conversion, or the operator cannot be called"

And when I convert m_search_edit to a char* it gives me a " Cannot add 2 pointers" error.

Any way around this???

+1  A: 

The problem here is that you are probably building for Unicode, which means that CString consists of wide characters. You can't directly concatenate an ASCII string with a wide character string (and you can't concatenate string literals with the + operator either).

I think the clearest way to build the query string here is by using the CT2CA macro to convert the contents of the edit control from Unicode to ASCII and CStringA::Format to insert them in the string

CStringA query;
query.Format("select album from Artists where artist = '%s'", CT2CA(m_search_edit));
res = mysql_perform_query(conn, query);

And as Thomas pointed out, you should be aware that this leaves the door open for SQL injection...

EDIT: I'm not sure where this mysql_perform_query API comes from, but from the error message you posted it looks like it also requires a writable buffer (char * instead of const char *). Since I can't find documentation for it, I don't know how big it expects that buffer to be, but to get a modifiable buffer out of a CString, look into the GetBuffer() and ReleaseBuffer() methods:

CStringA query;
query.Format(...); // Replace ... with parameters from above
char * buffer = query.GetBuffer(MAX_STRING_LENGTH); // make length big enough for mysql
res = mysql_perform_query(conn, buffer)

EDIT2 (in response to latest comment):

Thank you for providing the definition of your mysql_perform_query function. When asking questions in the future, keep in mind it's helpful to know when you've created helper functions like this one.

In this case, your mysql_perform_query function never modifies the query string -- the only thing it does is pass it to mysql_query, which takes a const char *, so there's no reason you shouldn't declare its parameter const too. Once you do that, you'll find my first answer works (no need for GetBuffer/ReleaseBuffer):

MYSQL_RES *mysql_perform_query(MYSQL *conn, const char * query)
   // Body as written in comment.
Nick Meyer
This doesnt work either. Its giving 5 errors with the "A" left in after "Cstring" and 2 errors if I remove the "A".The two errors are CT2CA: Undeclared Identifier and'mysql_perform_query' : cannot convert parameter 2 from 'class CString' to 'char *'I should have pointed out in the first post that i`m doing this on VC++ 6.
I tried rebuilding the program in Visual Studio 2008. I got this error from your piece of code: Error 1 error C2664: 'mysql_perform_query' : cannot convert parameter 2 from 'CStringA' to 'char *'
@D.Gaughan what mysql API is this? I couldn't find documentation for `mysql_perform_query` on the web, only `mysql_query`. Anyway, CString only has an implicit conversion to `const char *`. If you need to get a modifiable buffer for a function that takes a non-`const`, you should look into GetBuffer() and ReleaseBuffer(). I'm editing my answer.
Nick Meyer
I`m using the mysql C++ connector.I have this block of code at the start of the program, I don`t know if this is of any use to you though. MYSQL_RES* mysql_perform_query(MYSQL *conn, char *sql_query) { // send the query to the database if (mysql_query(conn, sql_query)) { // printf("MySQL query error : %s\n", mysql_error(conn)); // exit(1); } return mysql_use_result(conn); }The code you posted is still giving errors. The main one is that query.Buffer(...): no overloaded function contains 0 parameters.
@D.Gaughan, please see my new edit.
Nick Meyer
@D.Gaughan you say `query.Buffer(...)` gives errors, but that didn't appear in my post. Make sure you get the whole name, `*Get*Buffer` or `*Release*Buffer`, or if you're calling `query.Format`, that you replace the `...` with the parameters from the first example (I just cut them out of the second example to keep the focus on the usage of GetBuffer and ReleaseBuffer).
Nick Meyer
I`ve tried the new method and unfortunatley its still not working. Its compiling without errors, but i`m still not getting any output from the program.
@D.Gaughan if your compilation issues are solved, then I would recommend opening a new question about why you're not getting output.
Nick Meyer
Ok i`ll do that now. Thank you for your help.