




From my shallow reading, Spring MVC does not support jquery directly. It does enable integration with DWR framework.

From my understanding of DWR, it is an ajax framework that allows you to call javas methods from javascript.

Can I use both in my application? With Jquery handling most of the javascript code and client side interaction and DWR making the ajax calls?

I am leaning towards learning jquery but there is no out of the box support for it in spring 2.5.


Yes. With spring you can use any type of view technology. It is designed so that your view is decoupled from the service side code. And also you should use spring 3.0. And if you are using Jquery that has Ajax support built-in you don't really need to use DWR. You can just have spring controller methods that handle specific URI templates. And have jquery hit those urls to make the ajax calls.
