




I googled for some books on jquery and i got these

Jquery Books from learningjquery.com and some video series from net.tutsplus.com and certainly some tutorials from Learningjquery.com for beginner...

But still a good book would do a lot in my learning... Any books that you would recommend for beginner in jquery to have a crack at it?

+3  A: 

There are so many free resources online that I wouldn't even bother paying for a book if you could help it.

JQuery Cookbook and JQuery: Visual Quickstart Guide are both relatively cheap though, and are quite good. Your local library might have them.

+3  A: 

I like this book: http://www.amazon.com/Learning-jQuery-1-3-Jonathan-Chaffer/dp/1847196705

because it goes step by step building useful things, building on top of structured previous knowledge, and it has a succinct reference guide that's less daunting to a beginner than the online docs (which, btw, are already probably some of the best docs of ANYTHING out there). It chooses to delve only a minimum into Javascript to get you going, relegating subjects like closures to the appendices for those who are interested in learning the underlying language.

It's dated now that jQuery 1.4 is out, but still 99% relevant and you can just read up on the what's new in 1.4 after you finish the book.


I agree with ambertch. That's what I used to learn jQuery and I recommend it.
And about using blogs or online resources to learn, it basically boils down to personal preference. But I like it best when I use a book to start and use other resources in parallel as needed.

+1  A: 

jQuery: Novice to Ninja should be a good learning resource. It is well structured, suitable for beginners (assuming you're not new to HTML and CSS) and teaches you how to understand and harness the power of jQuery.

Quite good - there have been plenty of SitePoint offerings I haven't been impressed with, but I don't regret picking this one up at all. It's an easy read and very well structured.