




I am using glibs functions to convert epoch time to string as follows.
But each time it is giving me some random time.

//Convert Time in string.
GDate *date = g_date_new_julian(timestampsecs);
gchar date_string[50];
g_date_strftime(date_string, 50, (const gchar*)"%a, %I:%M %p", (const GDate*)date);
printf("Date String [%s]\n", date_string );

Why this might be happening? am i missing anything?



As said i tried with setlocale(LC_ALL, ""); following is the output,
It is the same as i was getting before using setlocale.

(MyTestApp:7747): GLib-WARNING **:
OOPS julian: 1272279703  computed dmy: 66 4293563716 187
Date String Tik_INDEX[1] [1272279703] --> [Tue, 12:00 AM]

(MyTestApp:7747): GLib-WARNING **:
OOPS julian: 1272279717  computed dmy: 80 4293563716 187
Date String Tik_INDEX[2] [1272279717] --> [Tue, 12:00 AM]

(MyTestApp:7747): GLib-WARNING **:
OOPS julian: 1272279720  computed dmy: 53 4293563717 187
Date String Tik_INDEX[3] [1272279720] --> [Fri, 12:00 AM]

(MyTestApp:7747): GLib-WARNING **:
OOPS julian: 1272279721  computed dmy: 54 4293563717 187
Date String Tik_INDEX[4] [1272279721] --> [Sat, 12:00 AM]

(MyTestApp:7747): GLib-WARNING **:
OOPS julian: 1272279721  computed dmy: 54 4293563717 187
Date String Tik_INDEX[5] [1272279721] --> [Sat, 12:00 AM]

(MyTestApp:7747): GLib-WARNING **:
OOPS julian: 1272279722  computed dmy: 55 4293563717 187
Date String Tik_INDEX[6] [1272279722] --> [Sun, 12:00 AM]

(MyTestApp:7747): GLib-WARNING **:
OOPS julian: 1272279723  computed dmy: 56 4293563717 187
Date String Tik_INDEX[7] [1272279723] --> [Mon, 12:00 AM]

(MyTestApp:7747): GLib-WARNING **:
OOPS julian: 1272279724  computed dmy: 57 4293563717 187
Date String Tik_INDEX[8] [1272279724] --> [Tue, 12:00 AM]
+1  A: 

You probably want to call setlocale() first, "LC_ALL" should do it. POSIX should also work, not sure about C.

g_date_strftime() is influenced by the locale setting. Its also good to store the result of g_date_strftime(), or anything else that fills a static buffer. You'll want to know how many bytes were actually printed to the buffer.

Tim Post
Thanks for reply, Please go-through updated part of the question.