I have window application and on that there is one webbrowser control and I want to display the text on the webbrowser blinking one time and then it should not blinked more, is it possible ?
I have done with one javascript but it blinks the text frequently but I want text blinking only single time or maximum two time.The java script is :
<html><body onload=\"setInterval('blinkIt()',600)\"><br><br><b style ='color:Red;'><blink>" + "Please Follow Above Instruction To Continue Tour" + "</blink>" +
"<script type=\"text/javascript\">" +
"function blinkIt() {" +
"var j=0;j++;if (!document.all) return;" +
"else {" +
"for(i=0;i<document.all.tags('blink').length;i++){" +
"s=document.all.tags('blink')[i];" +
"s.style.visibility=(s.style.visibility=='visible')?'hidden':'visible';if(j==4)break;" +
"}}}</script>" + "</body></html>