



Vim's syntax highlighting for XML/XSL is great, except it turns off all syntax highlighting in CDATA regions. Is there a way to turn on syntax highlighting on in CDATA regions?

At work, we have a lot of XSL code embedded within other XML documents. It would be great if I could get all of the goodness of XML editing for the embedded XSL code as well without having to temporarily remove the CDATA tags, or copy the CDATA content into a temporary file.


  <with type="xsl"><![CDATA[
      <xsl:template match="/">
          <!-- XSL content here -->

The XSL is always contained within , so there is something to match against.

We also sometimes embed Javascript inside CDATA regions as well. It would be nice to turn on Javascript syntax highlighting for those regions.


You would need to modify the syntax highlighting script that comes with vim (it's in /usr/share/vim/vim72/syntax/xml.vim on my system). However, I'm pretty sure this is a bad idea - you will be operating under the 'illusion' that the content of the CDATA section is actually XML and it's definitely not - as it's in a CDATA section it's just text.

In order to handle embedded javascript (which seems less risky to me) you will also need to create a modified syntax highlighter. A good place to start looking for information on how to do this would be the XHTML syntax highlighter for vim - that supports embedded languages

Nic Gibson
Looks like you can augment a syntax file by placing your modifications in a `~/.vim/after/filetype.vim` file. So I could alter the syntax highlighting rules for xml by creating `~/.vim/after/xml.vim`. I'm just not sure what to put in the file...
Jim Hurne
Ah, I'd forgotten that file (I've moved from mostly vim to mostly GUI editors these days). This is probably a question you should ask on the vim mailing lists I suspect
Nic Gibson