



Hi all,

I have a hosting/MySQL configuration issue that I hope someone can help with.

I currently have a server running MySQL 4.1 along with PHP 4.4.7 and Apache 2.2. I think the most important factor given my current problem is the MySQL install.

This server has around 150 databases on it, and as far as I can see I’m running into issues with the table_cache being thrashed. After doing some logging I can see that the table_cache limit is being hit between 9 and 5 (which would make sense as we provide a software solution for businesses).

As far as I can gather from trawling the net hitting this limit will dramatically affect MySQL performance. I can’t think of anything else that would be causing the performance issues we have as the system is clearly not CPU, Disk (space) or Memory bound as all of these metrics have plenty of reserve.

The problem (other than the number of databases, which may be excessive for a single box?), seems to be that Windows (it’s a Windows Server 2003 box), has a limit of 2048 on the number of file descriptors that can be open and with 150 databases we’re exceeding that comfortably.

This limit doesn’t seem to exist (or is at least higher) in Unix, so we’re thinking about moving to that setup as a workaround.

Has anybody ever come across this same issue? I imagine that anyone who has worked setting up shared hosting would have some idea…

Any thoughts are much appreciated.
