



Hi, i'm trying to do some kind of Gallery-Turn Over Script with jQuery. Therefor i got an array with - let's say 13 - images:

galleryImages = new Array(

My gallery looks like a grid showing only 9 images at once. My current script already counts the number of li-elements in #gallery, loads the first 9 images and displays them. The HTML looks like this:

<ul id="gallery">

<ul id="gallery-controls">
    <li id="gallery-prev"><a href="#">Previous</a></li>
    <li id="gallery-next"><a href="#">Next</a></li>

I'm pretty new to jQuery an my problem is that i can't figure out how to split the array in portions with 9 elements to attach it as a link on the control buttons. I need something like this:

    $('ul#gallery li').children().remove();
    $('ul#gallery li').each(function(index,el){
        var img = new Image();
        $(img).load(function () {
        }).attr('src', galleryImages[index]); //index for the next 9 images?!?!

Thanks for help!


You could create a variable, say var firstIndex = 0; to hold the array index of the first image currently displayed. Have your "next" button increment it and your "previous" button decrement it as necessary (by 1 or 9 or how you want). Add this value to index in your code.

Naturally you will need to check array bounds.

Jakob Kruse
+1  A: 

Check out my solution to your problem.

A few important notes:

  1. I've changes the way your buttons work from a list to two spans.
  2. I moved the line $(el).append(img) to a more appropriate spot.
  3. The curIndex is the index of the last most image.
  4. To get the next index image, I used curIndex+index, and then modded it by galleryImages.length so that it will loop the overflow rather than giving errors.
  5. You cannot actually see the images (for obvious reasons), so I have added the index as text in each <li> so you can see with is going on.

Try this:

#gallery-prev, #gallery-next{text-decoration:underline;color:Blue;cursor:pointer;list-style:none;display:inline;padding:5px;}
#gallery li{list-style:none;display:inline;}
<script type="text/javascript" src="jquery-1.4.2.min.js"></script> 
<script type="text/javascript">
  galleryImages = new Array(

  function loadImages(p) {
    var startIndex = parseInt($('ul#gallery').attr("startIndex")) + 9 * p;
    if (startIndex < 1 || startIndex >= galleryImages.length) return;

    .attr('startIndex', startIndex)
    .each(function(i, el) {
      var nextID = startIndex - 1 + i;
      if (nextID >= 0 && nextID < galleryImages.length) {
        $(this).append($("<img src='" + galleryImages[nextID] + "' alt='image " + (nextID + 1) + "' />"));

  $(document).ready(function() {
    $('ul#gallery').attr('startIndex', '1');

    for (var i = 1; i <= 9; i++) 

    $('li#gallery-prev, li#gallery-next').each(function(i) {
      $(this).click(function() {
          loadImages(i == 1 ? 1 : -1); 

<ul id="gallery"></ul>
<ul id="gallery-controls">
    <li id="gallery-prev">Previous</li>
    <li id="gallery-next">Next</li>
Great! That's it, thank you very much! ;)