


+1  Q: 

Sub Language C#

Hi All

I was just wondering, is it at all possible to create sort of like a "Sub-language" in C# OR C++? or would a better term be "Extension"? And can somebody please provide links/resources?

Much appreciated! :)

thanks jason


It all depends on what you consider a "sub-language".

You could create just about anything you want if you're willing to put the time and effort into learning how to utilize the DLR (Dynamic Language Runtime).

Justin Niessner
+10  A: 

I think maybe the phrase you are looking for is Domain Specific Language?

One example is Boo for .net

Book on Boo:

Link on building DSLs for .Net


Can you be more specific? You can build your own dynamic languages on the DLR. Also here.


For simplicities sake I'm making my contribution 'your-very-own-scriptlanguage'. If you are not concerned about pre-compiled code but instead want something compiled in runtime, you could look into making your own script language and write a parser for it so you can execute it in runtime.

Jonas B

Well, .net is a multi-language platform. You would need to write a compiler of course, and you can write that compiler in any language, including C#. I've started a series about writing a brainf**k compiler in C#.

A compiler doesn't have to be Languague-to-IL, you can also write a compiler that compiles Language-To-C# and then uses the C# compiler (Some people call those compilers pre-processors). You just need to be sure that whatever you do can be translated to C# (or C++ if that's what you want to do). Then you can just define your keywords and language tokens.

Just keep in mind that creating new, insular programming languages can be a maintenance debt in the future and often is a sign of too much "Not invented here"-syndrome.

Michael Stum
+2  A: 

The way I've always looked at C++ programming is that I am extending the language by creating new types to solve new problems.


I've used Irony to implement a DSL and it worked out great. Keep in mind it's still very much a WIP and you'll probably find it pretty nice to work with.

Ron Warholic