




Hey Folks. I've read what I could, and I'm certainly no master, but I'm fixing up a colleagues profile on myspace.com, and im working with 2 divs in each side of the screen, and I want them to align so that they are next to each other. I've tried float: left; and float: right;, and I've tried margin: right; on div 1 and such.

Could you help?

Here's the site: http://www.myspace.com/jonasjohansen

This is info for div1:

    <div class="textBox" align="left" style="width: 290px; float: left;
        <span class="orangetext15">

        <b>MOVE</b><br />
        Fredrik ....balbalbalbla

    .textBox {
    position: relative;
    width: 0px;
    height: 0px;
    overflow: visible;
    z-index: 1;
    background-color: transparent;


This is info for div2:

<style>.i {display:none;}{!-eliminate bio header!-}table table td.text table td.text {display:none;}{!-recover in shows and friends-!}table table td.text div table td.text,table table td.text table.friendSpace td.text {display:inline;}{! move up our custom section.  You may change px value !}div.myDivR {position:relative; top:0px; margin-bottom:-300px; }{! you can apply style to the custom div !}div.myDivR {background-color:white; border:2px solid; border-color:darkgreen; float: right;}</style></td></tr></table></td></tr></table><span class="off">Re-Open Bio Table give it our own Class </span><table class="myBio" style="width:435px;"><tr><i class="i"></i><td class="myBioHead" valign="center" align="left" width="auto" bgcolor="ffcc99" height="17">  &nbsp;&nbsp;<span class="orangetext15"> ABOUT JONAS JOHANSEN</span>  </td></tr><tr><td><table class="myBioI"><tr><td><span class="off"></span>


<span class="off">END Bio Content </span>

It looks like your problem is coming from the fact that you have the Bands section (which appears to belong in the left column of the layout) in a td element that is on the right side of the layout. When you apply your float: left; to the Bands td, it floats it all the way over to the left column (through the eccentricities of browser rendering), but it leaves space for the Band td in the right column.

Can you move the Band td in the code for the page? I am unfamiliar with what is editable in Myspace, so I'm not sure, but that should easily fix the problem you're having.

Michael Herold