



I want to use events (as a function) in my calendar. The example listed refers to myxmlfeed.php and using xml. I have tried adding some xml but I return a js error. has anybody used FullCalendar in this way?

+2  A: 

I am using FullCalendar with events as a function on one of my client's websites. The implementation of FullCalendar there is heavily customized, but the code below is what I use to load the calendar JSON data.

<script type='text/javascript'>
    $(document).ready(function() {
            events: function(start, end, callback) {
                $.post("calendar_data.asp", {
                    start: start.getTime() / 1000,
                    end: end.getTime() / 1000,
                    catID: '<% Response.Write(catID) %>'
                }, function(result) { callback(result) }, "json");
            loading: function(bool) {
                if (bool) $('#loading').show();
                else $('#loading').hide();

If you note my call to $.post() I am passing a "catID" with the request to calendar_data.asp. This is an implementation detail specific to my code; you will most likely need to customize this to your specific requirements.


I'm not entirely sure if this will work with the most current version of FullCalendar. It has been a while since I implemented my solution and the library has changed somewhat.

Nathan Taylor

Thanks for your answer Nathan and I might actually use some of that but it was the actual xml file that is being called that I was looking for an example of rather than the json array.

I was guessing it might be something like

<event start="" title="" />

John DOnovan