I have a problem with Open Flash Chart 2.
It works like it should in FireFox, but in Internet Explorer my Y axis is all wrong.
No matter if I set the "steps" or not, it is not accepted in IE. Then it just takes my "max" and creates 5 steps with some weird numbers like 11.6, 23.2, 34.8, 46.4 and 58.
My JSON that I pass to OFC2 looks like this:
var jsonStats = {
"bg_colour" : "#FFFFFF",
"title": {
"text": "<%=UCase(Left(MonthName(maaned),1)) & Mid(MonthName(Maaned),2) & " " & aar%>",
"style": "{font-size: 20px; color:#000000; font-family: Verdana; text-align: center;}"
"elements": [
"type": "bar_glass",
"alpha": 0.5,
"colour": "#088A08",
"text": "Besøgende",
"font-size": 10,
"values": arrVisitors,
"tip": "Besøgende:<br>#val#"
"type": "bar_glass",
"alpha": 0.5,
"colour": "#08088A",
"text": "Sidevisninger",
"font-size": 10,
"values": arrPageviews,
"tip": "Sidevisninger:<br>#val#"
"x_axis": {
"stroke": 1,
"tick-height": 3,
"colour": "#CCCCCC",
"grid-colour": "#FFFFFF",
"labels": {
"labels": strDates
"offset": false,
"steps": 1
"y_axis": {
"steps": 10,
"stroke": 1,
"tick-length": 3,
"colour": "#CCCCCC",
"grid-colour": "#FFFFFF",
"offset": 0,
"max": intMaxValue
As mentioned, it works as it should in Firefox and Chrome, but not in IE and the only thing that IE does not understand is the "steps" bit.