






\title{\bf Grundz\"uge der Softwareentwicklung \\
{\small Analyse- und Entwurfsdokument} \vspace{1cm}\\

\author{Uschi Musterfrau, Detlef Mustermann und Ralf Auchmustermann}
\date{Matr.-Nr. 0815, 0816 und 0817 \\
email: {\tt [uschi|detlef|ralf]@rwth-aachen.de} 


\lstset{basicstyle=\small, numbers=left, numberstyle=\footnotesize,
  stepnumber=1, numbersep=5pt, breaklines=true, escapeinside={/*@}{@*/}}









this is how my file starts. I didn't even edit it, I received it like this. However, if I want to make a pdf, it gives me the undefined control sequence error at the first line... What is wrong??


It might be that one of the tools in your tool chain gets irritated by a Byte-Order Mark (BOM), which is a special Unicode character to indicate the endianness used in your file.

Unfortunately, a BOM may have unwanted side-effects.

You might try to save the file with another editor which won't add this mark in the beginning, or remove it with a hex editor.

tried a different editor and it worked. however the pdf file seems to be pretty messed up. Could it be that BOM, or "not" BOM, has had influence on this? thx
What does "messed up" mean? Do you see any characters? Empty pages? Images? If it is just the layout that is not nice, I assume this is due to different LaTeX packages (speculating).
Yes empty pages, the footnotes are at the upper left. sometimes the table of contents is not displayed.after every included file, there is blank page.
@Jayomat: This looks rather like a problem with your document/your LaTeX version. I doubt this is related to the BOM as an incorrect endianness would rather result in no PDF being created at all.

try getting rid of \usepackage[dvips]{epsfig,psfrag} if you're using pdflatex.

what does it do?
alright... maybe you should read some introductory material. `dvips` is one of the back-end drivers used to create .dvi files. You're loading two packages meant for dvi or ps graphics, and you're trying to produce a pdf-- pdflatex doesn't accept any postscript or eps figures (tiff, pdf, jpg, and png for pdflatex).
If I delete it, I don't get a pdf anymore..
you need to provide more information... what tex distribuition are you using? what editor? are you using `latex` or `pdflatex`?
I use MacTex2009.. it's 1,4 Gb.. TexLive2009 should be the distribution.. I use TexShop as an Editor and LaTeX to make the file..I got a second editor, TexWorks where I use pdfLaTeX.. I get the same results no matter which editor I chose

Perhaps TeXshop doesn't recognize your file as a LaTeX file and runs it with plain TeX or ConTeXt. If you can post your logfile (the beginning) here, we can help you for sure.


My guess is that you're trying to use TeX instead of LaTeX. TeX won't recognize the \documentclass command. Make sure you use LaTeX.

Rob Hyndman
I fixed the problem by using a different editor, and now also the other editor works. however, I get a "messed up" pdf file, with blank pages and pagenumbers at the upper left (not intended)..