I want to be able to apply opacity to some elements to make them invisible only if javascript is enabled. I don't want to use display:none
because I want the layout to act as if they're in the DOM, so setting opacity to 0 is perfect.
I want to be able to set this initial value using Javascript, using JQuery, so I don't have to mess with browser differences on the opacity (and many other) attributes. But if I set opacity to 0 like so:
$(document).ready(function() {
$("#header").css("opacity", 0);
$("#header").animate({opacity:1}, 500);
...half the time it's already visible on the screen, so it appears and disappears.
How do I set these css values using JQuery before they ever can render?
Looking for a JQuery only solution so I don't have to manually handle every browser implementation like this:
#header {