



Hey guys,

I'm monitoring calls and putting them into a database. I'm putting caller, called, start, end in database. There are an average of 70-80 calls a day (none in the weekend), so it comes to 350-400 a week. The program will be used for a long time, so after a year there will be many items in the database.

A part of the program shows the calls in a graph (volume / day) and also in listbox (who called who). For that I'm using a typical "select * from table" to retrieve the info.

When will the query be so big that the user will experience performance loss?


I need all the info from the table, so a select * was best to use according to some people.

Each row in the database contains 1 int and 4 strings, simple data.

+3  A: 

You didn't specify what your data store is, schema, indexes, etc. So there is very little information to go on.

But, as a general rule (tongue firmly in cheek):

When the users start complaining.

Um, that's probably a little late in the game. :)
Robert Harvey
@Robert: any *real* answer without more information from the OP is too early in the game :)

How long is a piece of string?

This depends on so many factors (including what you deem to be a 'performance loss') that it is impossible to give a firm answer here. You're going to have to test it yourself and see

+6  A: 

Put a limit on it now.

Do you really need the data for all time? What's reasonable for the graph/list? 30 days? 60 days? User-selectable?

Though, 20000 calls a year is not a huge data volume.

Also, bad form to SELECT * -- you should always specify the column list you're selecting.

+1 for "20000 calls a year is not a huge data volume"
Michał Piaskowski
+1  A: 

If you're only doing a simple select, then I'm guessing millions of records before someone will notice.

Of course, if you're db server is on a slow machine, that will also hinder it.

Are you doing any Where clauses or Grouping? Any Joins? If so, are those on Indexed columns?

The best answer would be: It Depends.

Jack Marchetti
+1  A: 

There should never be a performance problem during the life of the application, even if your volume increases. As long as:

  • you have good indexes on the fields your queries use.
  • you don't do something really silly in your queries.

Without good indexes, you will eventually have problems. A couple less important bits of advice:

  • specify the columns you want, rather than using "Select *"
  • make sure you're reporting query isn't being called a thousand times a second or something crazy like that.
Patrick Karcher