



I've noticed in a recent article on TDWTF that someone was using the variable name lsSQL . I have also noticed similar variable names in a legacy application I am working on and in other places around the web, but I have never found out what the ls prefix stands for.

What does ls mean? What kind of notation is that?


+3  A: 

I would expect that this is a usage of Hungarian notation is Basic-like language (i.e. without strong typing). Here I would expect l to denote something like "local variable" as opposite to "argument" or "global variable", and s to denote type i.e. string here.

iPhone beginner
That's what i thought, but it felt strange to see Hungarian notation in a PHP application...
Well, Hungarian notation is not bound only to some languages. It might be used in almost any imperative language. And in my opinion Hungarian notation is not always evil. I think that the best article on this top is written by Joel
iPhone beginner
+2  A: 

If my VB Naming Convention Fu serves me right, I believe the ls prefix stands for Local String (and then the SQL mearly indicates that it's the SQL Statement).

As a comparison reference in those situations, I would expect there to also be a variable prefixed with lcon for Local Connection.

Justin Niessner