How do I get:
id Name Value
1 A 4
1 B 8
2 C 9
id Column
1 A:4, B:8
2 C:9
How do I get:
id Name Value
1 A 4
1 B 8
2 C 9
id Column
1 A:4, B:8
2 C:9
I've looked for ways to do this before, and besides writing a stored proc, there isn't an easy way to do it. I resort to writing a script or using an ETL tool like Talend to do this.
This kind of question is asked here very often, and the solution is going to depend a lot on the underlying requirements:
Typically, there is no SQL-only way to do this without either dynamic sql, a user-defined function, or a cursor.
This type of problem is solved easily on MySQL with its GROUP_CONCAT()
aggregate function, but solving it on Microsoft SQL Server is more awkward.
See the following SO question for help: "How to get multiple records against one record based on relation?"
Just to add to what Cade said, this is usually a front-end display thing and should therefor be handled there. I know that sometimes it's easier to write something 100% in SQL for things like file export or other "SQL only" solutions, but most of the times this concatenation should be handled in your display layer.
Don't need a cursor... a while loop is sufficient.
-- Setup
id int,
Name varchar(30),
Value int
id int,
Result varchar(max)
INSERT INTO @Source(id, Name, Value) SELECT 1, 'A', 4
INSERT INTO @Source(id, Name, Value) SELECT 1, 'B', 8
INSERT INTO @Source(id, Name, Value) SELECT 2, 'C', 9
-- Technique
INSERT INTO @Target (id)
FROM @Source
DECLARE @id int, @Result varchar(max)
SET @id = (SELECT MIN(id) FROM @Target)
WHILE @id is not null
SET @Result = null
SELECT @Result =
WHEN @Result is null
ELSE @Result + ', '
END + s.Name + ':' + convert(varchar(30),s.Value)
FROM @Source s
WHERE id = @id
UPDATE @Target
SET Result = @Result
WHERE id = @id
SET @id = (SELECT MIN(id) FROM @Target WHERE @id < id)
FROM @Target
No CURSOR, WHILE loop, or User-Defined Function needed.
Just need to be creative with FOR XML and PATH ;)
[Note: This solution only works on SQL 2005 and later. Originally question didn't specify the version in use.]
CREATE TABLE #YourTable ([ID] INT, [Name] CHAR(1), [Value] INT)
INSERT INTO #YourTable ([ID],[Name],[Value]) VALUES (1,'A',4)
INSERT INTO #YourTable ([ID],[Name],[Value]) VALUES (1,'B',8)
INSERT INTO #YourTable ([ID],[Name],[Value]) VALUES (2,'C',9)
, REPLACE(RTRIM((SELECT [Name] + ':' + CAST([Value] AS VARCHAR(MAX)) + ' ' FROM #YourTable WHERE (ID = Results.ID) FOR XML PATH (''))),' ',', ') AS NameValues
FROM #YourTable Results
UPDATE: I'm sure there's a better way to get around the string manipulation slight-of-hand going on there, but I can't think of it at the moment. If I use ', ' as the deliminator, it's going to end with a comma. My cheesy solution for this is to use a space as the deliminator. It'll still end with the deliminator (space), but RTRIM gets rid of it. Then I use REPLACE to change it from a single space to a comma and then a space. Seems a bit obtuse of a solution, but it works for the sample data :-P
SQL Server 2005 and later allow you to create your own custom aggregate functions, including for things like concatenation- see the sample at the bottom of the linked article.
Another option using Sql Server 2005 and above
---- test data
declare @t table (OUTPUTID int, SCHME varchar(10), DESCR varchar(10))
insert @t select 1125439 ,'CKT','Approved'
insert @t select 1125439 ,'RENO','Approved'
insert @t select 1134691 ,'CKT','Approved'
insert @t select 1134691 ,'RENO','Approved'
insert @t select 1134691 ,'pn','Approved'
---- actual query
;with cte(outputid,combined,rn)
select outputid, SCHME + ' ('+DESCR+')', rn=ROW_NUMBER() over (PARTITION by outputid order by schme, descr)
from @t
select OUTPUTID, convert(varchar(max),combined), 1 from cte where rn=1
union all
select cte2.outputid, convert(varchar(max),cte2.finalstatus+', '+cte.combined), cte2.rn+1
from cte2
inner join cte on cte.OUTPUTID = cte2.outputid and cte.rn=cte2.rn+1
select outputid, MAX(finalstatus) from cte2 group by outputid