



Some portions of my application's interface are not getting refreshed after Windows 7 powers down the display. More specifically, I'm swapping out images, User Controls, and a button's content while the display is powered off and after it has been restarted, and this isn't being reflected in the UI until I minimize and restore the window or move it to one of the screen's edges.

I've tried calling the Window's InvalidateVisual() method when the app was in a state where it needed to redraw, and that didn't solve the problem. I have only been able to reproduce this issue on Windows 7. Any ideas?


I've seen stuff like this happen with dodgy video drivers. Have you tried updating your video card's driver to the latest version?

Dave Markle
The Device Manager states that the driver is up-to-date. We've also seen this on a few different machines running Win7
I've also seen similar things with dodgy ACPI drivers on XP - are those up to date? (Don't trust the device manager to know if there's a new version available...)
BlueRaja - Danny Pflughoeft
The ATI driver install is causing my machine (Win7 x64) to BSOD at the moment, so I think I'm going to have to trust the Device Manager on this one :)However, this is consistently reproducible with different hardware configs (running the latest NVIDIA/ATI drivers,) so this is either a non-driver issue or incredibly pervasive driver issue requiring some kind of special workaround.
Now that's just strange if the WHQL certified driver is BSOD'ing your computer. It may be a hardware issue of some sort... I guess you've tried it on other machines? If so, you should probably report this to MSFT as a bug.
Dave Markle