I want to build a static library (*.LIB file) GNU libiconv on windows to be used with other libraries in Visual C++. Other libraries I'm using are built with "MultiThreaded DLL" (/MD) Runtime option. So, I need to build libiconv with the same option.
Problem is the libiconv
uses GNU build system and I want to compile with /MD option. You can see the source structure of libiconv here: http://cvs.savannah.gnu.org/viewvc/libiconv/?root=libiconv
Mr. Zlatkovic maintains the windows port of GNU libiconv
for libxml2
you can see them here:
I cannot use his port. I need to build from the latest version of libiconv-1.13. I wonder how this guy has ported it? Can some one please tell me how to build *.lib from this and compile it using MSVC?
Actually, I need to build few more gnu libraries with same settings. So, if I get solution for one library. I can do the same for all others.