



Hey all, putting the finishing touches on a project of mine so I figured I would run through it and see if and where I had any memory leaks. Found and fixed most of them but there are a couple of things regarding the memory leaks and object alloc that I am confused about.

1) There are 2 memory leaks that do not show me as responsible. There are 8 leaks attributed to AudioToolbox with the function being RegisterEmbeddedAudioCodecs(). This accounts for about 1.5 kb of leaks. The other one is detected immediately when the app begins. Core Graphics is responsible with the extra info being open_handle_to_dylib_path. For the audio leak I have looked over my audio code and to me it seems ok.

self.musicPlayer = [[AVAudioPlayer alloc] initWithContentsOfURL:[NSURL fileURLWithPath:songFilePath] error:NULL];

[musicPlayer prepareToPlay];

[musicPlayer play] is called later on in a function.

2) Is it normal for there to be a spike in Object Allocation whenever a new view or controller is presented? My total memory usage is very, very low except for whenever I present a view controller. It spikes then immediately goes back down. I am guessing that this is just the phone handling all the information for switching or something.

Blegh. Wall of text. Thanks in advance to anyone who helps! =)