



I want my Food class to be able to test whenever it is equal to another class. I will later use it against a List, and I want to use its List.Contains() method. Should I implement IEquatable or just override Object.Equals()? From MSDN:

This method determines equality by using the default equality comparer, as defined by the object's implementation of the IEquatable.Equals method for T (the type of values in the list).

So my next question is: which functions/classes of the .NET framework make use of Object.Equals()? Should I use it in the first place?


+15  A: 

The main reason is performance. When generics were introduced in .NET 2.0 they were able to add a bunch of neat classes such as List<T>, Dictionary<K,V>, HashSet<T>, etc. These structures make heavy use of GetHashCode and Equals. But for value types this required boxing. IEquatable<T> lets a structure implement a strongly typed Equals method so no boxing is required. Thus much better performance when using value types with generic collections.

Reference types don't benefit as much but the IEquatable<T> implementation does let you avoid a cast from System.Object which can make a difference if it's called frequently.

As noted on Jared Parson's blog though, you still must implement the Object overrides.

Josh Einstein
Is there any cast between reference types? I always thought that casts were just "statements" you make to the compiler when you assign some not obvious casts from one kind of object to another. This is, after you compile, that the code wouldn't even know there was a cast there.
devoured elysium
That is true in C++ but not .NET languages which enforce type safety. There is a runtime cast and if the cast does not succeed, an exception is thrown. So there is a small runtime penalty to pay for casting. The compiler can optimize away upcasts For example object o = (object)"string"; But downcasting - string s = (string)o; - must happen at runtime.
Josh Einstein
I see. By chance you have any place where I can get that kind of "deeper" information about .NET? Thanks!
devoured elysium
I would recommend CLR via C# by Jeff Richter and C# in Depth by Jon Skeet. As for blogs, Wintellect blogs are good, msdn blogs, etc.
Josh Einstein
+3  A: 

According to the MSDN:

If you implement IEquatable(T), you should also override the base class implementations of Object.Equals(Object) and GetHashCode so that their behavior is consistent with that of the IEquatable(T).Equals method. If you do override Object.Equals(Object), your overridden implementation is also called in calls to the static Equals(System.Object, System.Object) method on your class. This ensures that all invocations of the Equals method return consistent results.

So it seems that there's no real functional difference between the two except that either could be called depending on how the class is used. From a performance standpoint, its better to use the generic version because there's no boxing/unboxing penalty associated with it.

From a logical standpoint, it's also better to implement the interface. Overriding the object doesn't really tell anyone that your class is actually equatable. The override may just be a do nothing class or a shallow implementation. Using the interface explicitly says, "Hey, this thing is valid for equality checking!" It's just better design.

Yes, they are both good points.
devoured elysium
+2  A: 

Extending what Josh said with a practical example. +1 to Josh - I was about to write the same in my answer.

public abstract class EntityBase : IEquatable<EntityBase>
    public EntityBase() { }

    #region IEquatable<EntityBase> Members

    public bool Equals(EntityBase other)
        //Generic implementation of equality using reflection on derived class instance.
        return true;

    public override bool Equals(object obj)
        return this.Equals(obj as EntityBase);


public class Author : EntityBase
    public Author() { }

public class Book : EntityBase
    public Book() { }

This way, I have re-usable Equals() method that works out of the box for all my derived classes.

this. __curious_geek
Just one more question. What is the advantage of using "obj as EntityBase" instead of (EntityBase)obj? Just a matter of style or is there any advantage at all?
devoured elysium
in case of "obj as EntityBase" - if obj is not of type EntityBase, it will pass "null" and continue without any error or exception, But in case of "(EntityBase)obj", it will forcefully try to cast the obj to EntityBase and if the obj is not of type EntityBase, it will throw InvalidCastException. And yes, "as" can only be applied to reference types.
this. __curious_geek
Ah, I see. Great. Thanks!
devoured elysium